In-Person Registration

Registration TypeEarly Bird Registration
Ends Apr 7
Advance Registration
Ends May 18
Onsite Registration
Begins May 19
SIIM Member Full Registration$690$790$890
SIIM Membership + Full Registration Meeting -
Non-Member - Full Registration$1090$1190$1290
Emerging Nations Member$100$100$100
Emerging Nations Membership + Full Registration Meeting -
Member Single Day$450$550$650
Non-Member Single Day$650$750$850
*Student - Must be a SIIM member to qualify. Membership is free to qualifying students Press - Full registration

Press - Full registration

Register Now

*Must be a SIIM member to qualify. Additional fees apply for special events, learning labs, and receptions. Membership is free to qualifying students. To qualify for the student rate, you may not hold a full-time equivalent (FTE) position in the field of imaging informatics. Individuals must also be formally enrolled in, but not limited to, a certificate, associate, undergraduate, graduate, postdoc or fellowship, or residency program. Documentation must be provided. After registering for Student Membership , submit your verification documentation to and allow 2-3 days for processing.

Networking Add-ons

In-Person OnlyDateTimeFee
SIIM25 Welcome ReceptionWed, May 216:30 PM - 8:30 PM$35
Fun Run/WalkThu, May 226:30 AM$0
SIIMfund Silent Auction + Happy Hour Thu, May 22 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM $25
Register Now

Pre-Conference Add-Ons

SIIM-ACR Data Science Summit RegistrationTue, May 208:30 AM - 4:00 PM$250
SIIM-ACR Data Science Summit Student Registration Tue, May 209:00 AM - 4:00 PM$100
Epic Users Group Meeting RegistrationTue, May 202:30 PM - 6:00 PM$100
Register Now

Virtual Live Stream Registration

Registration TypeEarly Bird Registration
Ends Apr 7
Advance Registration
Ends May 18
Onsite Registration
Begins May 19
SIIM Member Full Registration$400$500$600
SIIM Membership + Full Registration Meeting -
Non-Member - Full Registration$800$900$1000
Emerging Nations - Full Registration$50$50$50
Emerging Nations Membership + Full Registration Membership -
*Student - Must be a SIIM member to qualify. Membership is free to qualifying students.

Register Now

*Must be a SIIM member to qualify. Additional fees apply for special events, learning labs, and receptions. Membership is free to qualifying students. To qualify for the student rate, you may not hold a full-time equivalent (FTE) position in the field of imaging informatics. Individuals must also be formally enrolled in, but not limited to, a certificate, associate, undergraduate, graduate, postdoc or fellowship, or residency program. Documentation must be provided. After registering for Student Membership , submit your verification documentation to and allow 2-3 days for processing.

Virtual Pre-Conference Add-ons

SIIM-ACR Data Science Summit RegistrationTue, May 208:00 AM - 3:00 PM $250
SIIM-ACR Data Science Summit Student RegistrationTue, May 209:00 AM - 4:00 PM $100
Register Now